Continuo com os meus projectos, continuo a construir-me dia a dia, hora a hora, numa luta constante pelo melhor de mim. Dia a dia sigo o melhor caminho, as escolhas que tenho feito têm-se revelado escolhas ponderadas e acertadas, escolhas que estão dentro das minhas linhas de orientação, que se têm mostrado vitórias do meu pensamento, da minha lógica e da minha capacidade analitica actual, que tenho redescoberto no passado recnte e me têm sido tão util como ferramenta do crescimento pessoal. Cada dia cada hora faço a analise do passado do presente e remarco as linhas de orientação que me guiam, me mantêm enquadrado e me fazem seguir direito até as...
Gates Of Tomorrow
Iron Maiden
Composição: (Janick Gers/Steve Harris/Bruce Dickinson)
Weaving a thread round your heart and your soul
Decieving your eyes and delaying your goal
Ships in the night when they pass out of sight
Deliver their cargo of eartly delights
To the women and the children the souls of the dead
I've opened their book and no mercy is shed
You want forgiveness and you want it cheap
I don't give redemption rewards for the meek
Suffering evil when you pay the price of fame
There isn't a god to save you if you don't save yourself
You can't blame a madman if you go insane
Give me the strength so I carry on
Trapped in the web but I cut the threads
Show you the gates of tomorrow
Trapped in the web no mercy is shed
Show you the gates of tomorrow
Trapped in the web slaves to the dead
Show you the gates of tomorrow
Trapped in the web but I cut the threads
Show you the gates of tomorrow
Suffering evil when you pay the price of fame
There isn't a god to save you if you don't save yourself
You can't blame a madman if you go insane
Give me the strength so I carry on
Trapped in the web but I cut the threads
Show you the gates of tomorrow
Trapped in the web slaves to the dead
Show you the gates of tomorrow
Trapped in the web no mercy is shed
Show you the gates of tomorrow
Trapped in the web but I cut the threads
Show you the gates of tomorrow
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